So it's been a little over two weeks since I last blogged, and here's the latest.
The week after the interview I was in constant contact with the agent (Kathryn at Eden Brown... who is amazing and I fully recommend) and everything was sounding very positive, there was talk of 'An offer by the end of the week' ...
I was feeling so grateful, excited and happy and I was telling everyone that I the interview went so well that I was sure that I was going to get the job [in the name of positive visualisation].
But then the 'Sure offer'
became 'Hopefully an offer early the following week'
which finally reduced to 'A decision be the end of the following week'
It had seemed so certain initially and now there seemed to be so much doubt. I started to worry, I started to feel bad and I started to think negative thoughts and because I was feeling bad I was attracting more bad feelings.
This was a dangerous spiral... so I told myself to 'Slap out of it' [Quote from my favourite ever show Cougar Town]
I turned my attention to how I could fix my negative vibe and started to ponder what I had done to change my energy, I thought about the advice The Secret gives and I realised that I had been trying to work out 'how', and 'when' and 'where' an offer was going to be made which had been instilling doubt that I was going to receive what I had asked for.
From that moment on I resolved to stop thinking about anything that I wasn't sure about and just trust that I was going to get what I want I has asked for.
Every time a negative thought surfaced I corrected it and then pushed it away. I resolved to be calm and collected and instead of thinking about 'when' 'if' 'how' the job offer was going to come I started focusing on fun and positive actions I could take in anticipation of the new job. This included things that i naturally find fun like the new fun clothes I could wear at my new job [I am a big clothes whore by nature and the new dress code is super relaxed... yay! Big selling point for me!]
Once I started getting back on the positive track I started to feel better and the worry went away.
On Valentines day someone left a tube of Lovehearts on my desk [there is a mystery romancer who bestows gifts on all the ladies in the office every Valentines day... very gentlemanly if a little sexist] and in that pack of Lovehearts there was a 'Lucky Day' Loveheart.
I scoffed down the rest [in the spirit of the day obviously] but I decided to keep the 'Lucky Day' Loveheart until I felt that the job offer would come that day. Luckily I didn't have to wait long because the next day I felt sure the offer was coming so I chomped the Loveheart first thing and before lunch I had my offer.
I know the Lovehearts are just a silly game I was playing with myself but I think that if silly games help you to feel good about getting what you want then play away...
I am so excited and proud about starting my job, it is the oh-so desired 'private practice', it has so much career development potential and is such a good company that 6 months ago I wouldn't even have had the confidence to apply for it,
Thank you 'The Secret'
Thank you Davey who has spent a great deal of time investing in boosting my confidence and telling me that 'I can do it'
Thank you to my friends & family who have invested many hours of their personal time checking over my CV and portfolio and boosting my confidence.
I really feel like the new job is a team effort and I really feel like I finally made it x
Since I got the offer there has been an abundance of bubbly and celebration |
Right well I am off to my Mums now for more Champagne and a celebration dinner, everyone around the table has something to celebrate tonight so we are officially the 'Good News Crew'!
Then tomorrow my lovely fella is whisking me away to Bruges as part of an oh-so thoughtful Christmas/ Anniversary Pressie
P.S Happy five Year Anniversary Davey