Monday, 27 February 2012

I’m a Big Believer in Rewards for Achievement...

I know getting a new job to most people is something they do every other year but getting this new job means so much to me because I feel like a success for the first time and I’ve overcome a lot of my personal hurdles [like fear of rejection] so I decided I deserve a big reward.

Unfortunately I decided and set my heart on a really really big reward before I really appreciated the cost…

The Mulberry Alexa Nightshade Blue Large Silky Snake bag, retailing at £950

‘Now I know £950 is a really nice holiday, or a big chunk off the credit card but this bag is soooo beautiful, would go with everything, be a symbol and a reminder to succeed and I would use until it disintegrated’

This was my plea to but unfortunately my plea fell on deaf ears and Davey laid down the law…. So I am going to have to find another way to get the bag. It’s going on The Secret list!

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