The new job has already improved my life in many ways; I have my weekends back because I’m not constantly doing my portfolio, I can stop worrying and look forward to better financial security and I feel like I have the career I have been striving for. This has given me a lot of 'head space' back to focus on the next two goals for this year…
The Dream House and The Perfect Weight
Another very pleasant side effect of changing jobs is that I have a weeks annual leave at the end of March to visit one of my best friends (Christina who I was inseparable with at Uni) in
This year she felt it wouldn’t be possible to visit me, as she is currently on a month long trip in the USA, so this year I am going to see Christina!
Me picking Christina up from the airport in the university years To quote one of her favourite expressions 'Where ever you find me, where ever you leave me; always at an airport' |
Christina and I at the Bathhouse (Bishops Gate) during her last visit |
This brings me to the reason why my next focus will be to achieve The Perfect Weight!
I have been indulging myself quite a lot recently; there have been numerous celebration dinners, drinks and a trip to
To counteract, all the above enjoyment, for the next 25 days I am going to make a commitment to use The Secret and positive attitude to do the following:
1) At least 1 hour of exercise 4 times a week
[this will have to include starting the dreaded Essex Bootcamp Groupon deal I bought in a moment of reckless abandon... but I am building up to that]
2) Ban bread from my diet
[apparently bread is the devil]
3) Eat loads of fresh fruit, vegetables, fish and lean meat
4) Avoid sweets & deserts of any kind
Say good bye waffle! |
5) Ban drinking any alcohol except for my 'Safety Drink' Gin and Slimline Tonic
[but only at celebrations on a weekend]
6) Track everything I eat in a diet diary
![]() |
Thanks Iphone |
To be added in first diet post!
8) Secret Tip: Only pay attention to the positive in terms of weight so I only think about what I want to be rather than what I don’t want to be.
Embarking on this mission I would like to give a little gratitude in the hope that it will help me succeed!
I am grateful for the goal and motivation which the promise of a trip provides
I am grateful that Davey has agreed to accompany me on walk/runs in the dark
I am grateful that I am healthy enough to exercise
I am grateful that I live in a country where fresh healthy food is readily available
I am grateful for the time to focus on diet and exercise
I'll keep you posted...
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