Sunday, 4 January 2015

Bad blogger

Happy New Year- Happy 2015!

This was supposed to be a New Years Resolution page but...

I just found a blog post round up from 2013... Which I have not posted.

I also found a 'so happy we're married' round up which I have not posted.

It was nice to read back through them and relive the moments but it was also a crushing realisation that I am poor at finishing what I start. So top of the list for NYR-

Keep the momentum up and finish what you start- this also massively applies to YPYR as I have a number of posts in draft form that have been waiting for between 12-3 months.

My body is a temple- with day one of not smoking complete yesterday I feel optimistic about this one- stopping the bad habits and transforming my body into a bootcamp loving, healthy munching happy place to be- with the added insentive of an Ibiza hen do weekend for one of my Besties Gems!

Keep up the good work- I've been lucky enough to enjoy a successful year at work- we're winning projects, we're causing ripples and we just opened a new office in Kings Cross- which resulted in a supprise promotion on Christmas Eve. 

Positivity- I still use The Secret every day, some days it's harder than others, the area of my life that has most benefited this year is my work life. I've got everything I asked for this year and I'll make sure I endeavour to continue this theme into next year.

Four is enough to focus on I think. Now back to the blog catch ups.