Saturday, 12 January 2013

Progress Update: 365 Days Later

One year ago to the day I set myself (and the universe) a challenge to achieve Success, Health and Wealth in 365 days and here’s how I got on.

1)     Great Success and Wealth in my Perfect Career
Well I got a new job in April last year, which made me much better off financially and late in 2012 I was awarded a big flagship project to incorporate high end design. This project will be commencing 2013
I started my own Interior Design Blog and business undertook my first commission and have another scheme to start designing in 2013
I have started working in partnership with builder friend to provide outline designs and draughting skills

2)     Achieve my perfect weight:
Honestly all attempts have failed.
In 2013 I am determined to stop focusing on improving health and fitness.

As I spent more time thinking about what I want from my life I embraced my Expanding Ambitions to include:

3)     My Dream Home Self Build:
In 2012 we faced the fact that we would not be able to build a home on my mums land, I had been struggling to feel comfortable with the idea for a while so when we finally agreed to stop trying I think it came as a relief to everyone (especially my mum). It just wasn’t meant to be.
We also found and lost a development opportunity in a property in need of modernisation, although the loss of this property was heart breaking it cleared my mind and gave me focus. Refurbishment has always been my passion so as we move into 2013 we will hunting our next property with development potential.

4)     £300,000.00 in the savings account:
Sadly not yet

5)     Mulberry Alexa Handbag
Bagged it! On the way to New York I purchased my Mulberry with my first pay cheque from my first private job.

How Did I Do?
All in all, I feel like I achieved a lot in a year. It’s been a 365 days full of celebrations and good news and it’s not a bad year’s progress on my aspirations. The focus I have found by addressing my thought processes, and really thinking about what I want has helped me plan for my future without fear.
The Secret isn’t magic. It is addressing your approach and taking control of your life via the greatest tool that you possess; your mind.
It has taught me that I can do anything; I will never be trapped or lost because I am privileged to live in a society where I have the right to exercise choice and because I am surrounded by amazing people who I love whole heartedly.
Undoubtedly the single best thing the Secret has taught me is to enjoy and be grateful for the good in my life and to quash the relentless paranoia I used to suffer about it being taken away by chance. I am my own fate.
Whilst I haven’t achieved infinite wealth or success in the year gone by I intend to use the lessons I have leaned and my new found focus to continue perusing my goals in 2013.
Happy New Year Everyone, I wish you all the love, luck and happiness in the world.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Aspirations for 2013...

For the last 5 years I have made a huge list of about 30-40 New Year’s Resolutions; some are on-going, some are year specific and almost half of each list is yet to be achieved.
This year I have decided to take a different approach and (in keeping with The Secret) make my resolutions more about my mental approach to life rather than an impossible series of specific targets which will only serve to draw attention to where I have failed.
With this in mind, my resolutions for 2013 are:
Banish the perfection obsession- the world will not end if I leave the housework for a week
Stay positive and banish thoughts of lack (especially when it comes to time)
Acknowledge that relaxing and enjoying life is important
Better work/ life balance; make time for hobbies and exercise
Focus on improving health rather than losing weight (and as a pleasant side effect shed 1.5 stone before Las Vegas... Ha ha!)
Self-employment or a new job with flexibility
Develop [Your] place, Your Rules

Dry January... I shall not drink for one whole month

Happy New Year!


Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Looking forward to 2013

I am prone to the post Christmas blues.

I absolutly adore Christmas; seeing friends and family and spending time with Dave. It always exciting, action packed and it always goes too fast.

Luckily my wonderful fella Dave knows I am prone to 'sad Janurary syndrome' and so for the last two years has booked a trip for our aniversary in February. This has promted me to start looking forward to all the fantastic things that 2013 has in store.


A health and career orientated Dry Janurary- I know this sounds boring but I am looking forward to a month free from distractions to focus on health and career

A visit to Harry Potter Studio Tour for my Dad's birthday

Aniversary trip to Amsterdam- Winter city breaks are my favorite

The second wave of 30th Birthdays (including mine)

Trip to Brussels for my friends 30th

The first baby in my group of school friends 

A baby shower

Two of our best friends are tying the knot in Vegas, which also means a vegas Hen Do and a USA Road trip, for Dave and I, in October.

Winter walks and cosy evenings in with good and healthy home cooked food

Snow...Then Spring... Then Summer

Longer days and shorter nights

Celebrations of engagments, marriages and expecting parents (I'm sure there will be more)


Summer BBQ's

Summer Parties

No less than 4 weddings

Big project strarts in Glasgow

2013 looks like its shapping up to be an excellent year, I am very grateful to have so many wonderful friends and a fantastic family who make my life a happy place to be.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013


It's NYE once more and 2013 is just around the corner.

As I sit here with my hair in questionable DIY Pin Curls, preparing for my very good friend, Sugar Plum Slippers, Roaring Twenties NYE Party, I have been reflecting on 2012 and begun mentally preparing myself for 2013

2012 (In Brief)

Weekend trip to Bruges
First new job is 7 years!
The first baby within my close group of friends
Bridesmaid to one of my best friends
Hen Do for one of my best friends
Trip of a lifetime to New York
Excellent group holiday to Majorca
My niece turned 2 years old
The Olympics
New Business- [Your] Place, Your Rules
My sister moved in with her boyfriend
4 friends got married
2 friends got engaged
2 friends are expecting
2 friends set the date for their wedding
6 friends moved house
2 friends emigrated
2 friends got promoted
I bought my Mulberry
Sadly we lost a development opportunity
Dave turned 30; This was a year of 30th as the first wave of our nearest and dearest friends
Career Sucess; as I was awarded my Big Project

All in all a brilliant good year full of celebrations and happy tidings for friends, family and myself, for which I am very gratful. Here's to more of the same in 2013 :)

Thank You